***Michael Dubruiel died on February 3, 2009.

Here is a link to Michael Dubruiel's obituary.

His wife Amy Welborn has written a memoir of his family's life in the months after his death, including a trip to Sicily. It's called Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope and was published by Image, a division of Random House, in February 2012. You can find more information about it here.

Michael Dubruiel

Michael Dubruiel

Michael Dubruiel

A page on his book, The How to Book of the Mass.

Michael Dubruiel

A page on his book, The Power of the Cross, including a download of the book. 

A series of audio interviews on the book, The Power of the Cross

You might be interested in this podcast, with Chris Cash of the Catholic Company.

Lent begins on March 1, 2017...

All about The Power of the Cross (available for free download) and the Way of the Cross (available as an app as well as in paper copies).
"michael dubruiel"

Used copies are available here.

Some tributes to Michael Dubruiel:

Remembering Michael Dubruiel

Jimmy Akin's post

Michael Dubruiel's series with KVSS radio in Omaha on "The Power of the Cross."

Michael Dubruiel

Here is a direct link to the first interview in that series.

Here is a direct link to the second interview in that series.

EWTN's Johnette Benkovic's blog post about Michael Dubruiel

Michael Dubruiel's blog,Annunciations.

Michael Dubruiel's original Blogger blog. 

Michael Dubruiel's Amazon page.

Michael Dubruiel.net

Michael Dubruiel.org