***Michael Dubruiel died on February 3, 2009.

Here is a link to Michael Dubruiel's obituary.

His wife Amy Welborn has written a memoir of his family's life in the months after his death, including a trip to Sicily. It's called Wish You Were Here: Travels Through Loss and Hope and was published by Image, a division of Random House, in February 2012. You can find more information about it here.

New Version of Biblical Way of the Cross Released
Some years ago, Amy and I penned a set of Biblical stations of the cross modeled on Pope John Paul's ordering--Pope Benedict has used this same ordering since becoming pope. Now Ave Maria Press has released a new edition of the stations illustrated with the beautiful art of famous Catholic fiction writer Michael O'Brien (he's a great artist as well).

Michael Dubruiel
The Power of the Cross is available as a free e-book. Click here or on the cover for information.

Michael Dubruiel

Michael Dubruiel's blog,Annunciations.

Michael Dubruiel's original Blogger blog. 

Michael Dubruiel's Amazon page.



Michael Dubruiel